Music Record - Foobar2000 Usage

This is an article to introduce how I configure my foobar2000. As for now (Oct 2022), foobar2000 is experiencing a major update, as foobar2000 v2.0 beta is available for testing. Currently, I’m using foobox-cn, an CUI integration on Chinese-translated version of foobar2000. An English version is also available here foobox-en.

The main reason for me to use foobar2000 is that I’m used to download and store music locally, and I have almost no requirement of listening music online. As far as I know, foobar2000 provides the best user experience in local music management. It supports plenty of features for playlist and media library. As a result, I choose foobar2000 as my music player and have made many configuration on it.

Still Under Work!

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Software Development Notes

This is a note, or log, or diary, of my software development experience. It mainly records some high-level, programming-irrelevant discussion on software development. The specific points, especially the technical details for software development, will be recorded in another post.

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Blog Writing Notes

This is some notes during my blog-writing procedure. I will keep some interesting tricks, plugins, or tools inside this notes.

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Miscellaneous Notes

Miscellaneous notes during the use of this blog.

This is a personal notes that keeps track of all procedure, problems, tricks, etc. during the building and writing process of this blog. Hopes it will help someone, at least me, when I’d like to migrate to another blog or unfortunately I have to re-build my blog.

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CD Ripping Experience Share

As a game soundtrack collector and one who often listen to those music on CDs, it’s almost impossible to keep replacing CD from CD drive every an hour while listening. From the perspective of convenience in either music listening, management, storing, or sharing, it is really necessary to rip music from those CDs.

This is a personal note for my CD ripping experience. I think it is worth of a post, at least the equipments which cost me several hundreds of dollars are worth of it (laugh).

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Music Record - ACG OST


This is a record for part of my music, most of which are from ACG OST (Original Soundtracks) from Japanese.

I have spent quite a few time to collect, organize and rate these music and it really bothered me twice to lose my record for them. Also, I’ve been putting quite a bit of energy and time configuring foobar2000 to make it convenient to use.

Finally I managed to find a great way to keep a record backup of my music so that I am no longer afraid of migrating to another PC or lose my record by accident, and I decide to write an article to keep a record for both my usage of foobar2000 and my music record.

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